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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: Effects - Wishes & new features - Page: 8

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I would like to say thank you for making Virtual DJ free,One wish I would like is that the arm of the record player to go back like a real one at the end of the track,not just got back to the beginning of the track the way it dose now,no animation.

Posted Sat 19 Dec 15 @ 5:33 pm

hello I have a suggestion which is the design of an audio effect
of scratch intro + sync play I suppose I should be in a touch version because
with the mouse is very complicated scratch presisionand .I suppose that occupies half
screen because the disk is too small in the skins thanks bye

Posted Fri 08 Jan 16 @ 6:02 pm
Hi. The slideshow is an effect, right?

Adion told me that "for the slideshow there's no solution at this time to change the folder from a script. This could be added I think though"... That would be my request:
I would like to be able to do what I did in VDJ7 by copying and renaming the clipbank plugin, each with a different source folder, to be able to trigger certain sets of videos with the push of a button (I'm on a touch screen)...

Posted Thu 21 Jan 16 @ 11:37 am
Midi clock as SLAVE and not just master

Posted Sun 31 Jan 16 @ 12:14 pm
A loop recorder for Audio And Video

Posted Sun 31 Jan 16 @ 12:15 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
skyzofred wrote :
Midi clock as SLAVE and not just master

I can't see a common practical use case as a DJ where I want the tempo to be controlled by another piece of software.

skyzofred wrote :
A loop recorder for Audio And Video

This already exists, the sampler can record audio and/or video loops.

Posted Sun 31 Jan 16 @ 3:50 pm

Posted Tue 01 Mar 16 @ 5:55 pm
Please re-introduce the variable speed control option when using the Text effect.
Thank you for your hard work.

Posted Fri 25 Mar 16 @ 6:08 am
I would like to see the BEATGRID fx also effect the video. I know the team has been able to I've us the option on a few fx's to also effect the video but this one would be pretty cool as well I think.

Posted Tue 14 Jun 16 @ 12:01 pm
Hi. Is possible add more TITLE versions. Silence is 2 different only or is in somewhere place with effect what i missed? Thanks.

Posted Sat 09 Jul 16 @ 9:21 pm
drjustPRO InfinityMember since 2006
post fader audio effects tracktor has them...serato has them

Posted Thu 14 Jul 16 @ 6:20 am
drjustPRO InfinityMember since 2006
audio effects for mics that can plug into controllers...IE in nz7iii mic in 2 can be placed on channel 4, but no delay or echo works on the mic

Posted Thu 14 Jul 16 @ 6:38 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
The mic on the NS7III isn't software, so software effects will never work on it. When routed to channel 4 it's directly on the hardware channel, it never comes to VDJ AFAIK.

Posted Thu 14 Jul 16 @ 7:45 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Down sample [from native distortion] as its own fx

Posted Tue 02 Aug 16 @ 10:34 pm
VideoDelay is used to offset the video track from when the audio is played, to account for latency. This same delay should also be applied to visualization plugins--VirtualDJ should feed the visualization plugin audio from ahead or behind the play point by the same amount as VideoDelay.

Posted Fri 05 Aug 16 @ 3:38 am
I love all the effects you have as well as the ability to sample in your own beats even several at one time anywhere or continually throughout a track. Works incredibly well with Trance as there is often several breaks in each song. However I would love to see even more effects such as the Spiral effect Pioneer has out. Please add this effect as well.....and Thanks for making this all free.... Awesome

Posted Mon 15 Aug 16 @ 3:56 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Tonal delay fx. It might even warrant a pad page.

Posted Sat 17 Sep 16 @ 9:15 pm
djmilaPRO InfinityMember since 2008
Title plug-in
Field year

Posted Thu 29 Sep 16 @ 8:27 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
The labels on the skin for fx dials, some are fine like ones where the dial is a strength or w/d you can see all you need to see, but some it would be a lot better to always see what the dial is set to like beat values or time values.the unit attached would be enough for the uninitiated to understand what they do. [well maybe]

Posted Tue 11 Oct 16 @ 3:20 am
Im looking for remix decks and after asking locodog, because he is giving us things i was told you couldnt do, like giving us "Flip". He advised me of this.....

"As far as I see remix decks are just a skin, vdj could handle the 32 remix decks, you'd tie the controls together in groups of 4 for the filter, toggling play pause, use vfolders for remix sets, tie the eq, and levels to groups of 16, maybe try talking money with a skinner."

any takers...

Posted Mon 24 Oct 16 @ 12:43 am