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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: Detect resolution of videoclip
Is there a way to get the resolution of the videoclip in the master.
I would like to display old videoclips in a smaller frame but I can't figure out how to get the resolution.

As a workaround I would be happy with the filesize but when is retrieve the filesize for the automix song it gives something like "10.6M" which is kind of hard to compare.

Posted Thu 08 Sep 22 @ 5:29 pm
I asked for the resolution to be available as a browser column some time ago but it never went anywhere

Posted Thu 08 Sep 22 @ 6:17 pm
freppaPRO InfinityMember since 2002
+1 on this

Posted Thu 08 Sep 22 @ 6:34 pm