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Topic: auto-tempo-adjust for samples

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NebulaPRO InfinityMember since 2004
i'd like to see the samples change pitch/tempo, without being locked onto a beat. So if a beat is slightly off the the active waveform's blocks u can manually beatmatch them. for example insomnia by faithless's beats are just before they should be according to the active waveform.

This works until the original track (the one u just mixed from) ends, then it just goes mental and messes up!

If the tempo of the beats could be adjusted to match the tempo of the active deck, rather than locking them onto the active waveform, this'd make it easier for the beats to be matched.


Posted Sat 02 Jul 05 @ 8:36 pm
FruitPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Why don't you just move the CBG's of the song to align them on the beats?

Posted Sat 02 Jul 05 @ 11:55 pm
erxonPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Fruit on some tracks it's just impossible. CBG does not support varible tempo (even small change at some point makes cbg useless). I would totally love to see manual pitch adjustment for samples. I never rely on beatlock ;)

Posted Sun 03 Jul 05 @ 8:50 am
there are optoins to sync the samples to half beats and quater too. Not a solution but better than having it totaly off beat
fact is that if virtual dj relies on a flawed method of fitting beats to a song it wont work all the time. fact is tho that most song do work well with this system.

Posted Thu 07 Jul 05 @ 3:18 am
I agree with Nebula's request.

I listen to music of 80's, and the bpm is not really regular.
I find this solution: I create a shortcut to move the cbg when the song is playing. and it works

Posted Mon 25 Jul 05 @ 4:13 pm
I agree with Nebula's request.

I listen to music of 80's, and the bpm is not really regular.
I find this solution: I create a shortcut to move the cbg when the song is playing. and it works

Posted Mon 25 Jul 05 @ 4:14 pm
I agree with Nebula's request.

I listen to music of 80's, and the bpm is not really regular.
I find this solution: I create a shortcut to move the cbg when the song is playing. and it works

Posted Mon 25 Jul 05 @ 4:15 pm
I agree with Nebula's request.

I listen to music of 80's, and the bpm is not really regular.
I find this solution: I create a shortcut to move the cbg when the song is playing. and it works

Posted Mon 25 Jul 05 @ 4:19 pm
I agree with Nebula's request.

I listen to music of 80's, and the bpm is not really regular.
I find this solution: I create a shortcut to move the cbg when the song is playing. and it works

Posted Mon 25 Jul 05 @ 4:21 pm
claxPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Deun-Deun were you drunk when you validated your last post ? ;))
There is some echo ... or maybe you falled asleep onto your keyboard.

Posted Mon 25 Jul 05 @ 4:59 pm
oups. I am sorry. In fact, when I validated my post, my computer seems to be blocked.
So I remembered I clicked several times.

But I did not imagine this result.

Sorry ;-)

Posted Mon 25 Jul 05 @ 5:14 pm
claxPRO InfinityMember since 2004
You're welcome Deun-Deun but don't forget to have some rest.

Posted Mon 25 Jul 05 @ 5:27 pm
apopsisdjPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2003
Now we all know what happens to the 80's music...
but at 80's drummachines were discovered...
Roland TR606, 808, 909... all these had a solid computerized tempo..

Posted Tue 26 Jul 05 @ 4:37 am
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
most disco doesnt use the crappy analouge synths that started apearing in the 80 they used rael drumers and real instruments played by real people. and guess what a person simply cannot keep a 100% steady beat.

Posted Sat 30 Jul 05 @ 1:34 am

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