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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: Any One know of a skin for a resolution of 1680X1050

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Hi I am wondering if anyone has developed a skin for 1680X1050 resolution, the reason iask is that the new dell laptops come with a wide screen lcd, with obscure screen resolutions, however they are ultra powerful machines with gforce 4 graphics cards. I want to buy one to run atomix live so need a skin to fit. Thanks In Advance

Posted Thu 17 Apr 03 @ 5:03 am
you can make any skin 1680X1050 all you have to do is go into a drawing program open a 1680X1050 page insert the skin and fit background to the selection or stretch the picture then you put the new resolution in the xml or you go to your desktop and change the pix resolution you computer should do it atomatic when you select the new skin if you are a demo user you rename the skin and xml to Default

Posted Mon 04 Aug 03 @ 6:16 pm
MacJHome userMember since 2003
shit dude you have a good monitor
but u can just go to ur desktop settings and change the resolution to suit the skin..............or are u on dos??

Posted Sat 03 Jan 04 @ 12:32 pm
I'm working on one at the moment, shouldn't be to long. Watch this space !

Posted Fri 10 Nov 06 @ 4:40 pm
SupaconPRO InfinityMember since 2005
I use a 1920x1200 laptop screen with virtualDJ.

I have created a skin called VideoVision that is 1280 pixels wide and 1168 pixels high, so you can still see the windows taskbar, and there is room at the side for a notepad, playlist (I use foobar2000 to find music), and whatever else you might want to look at while you DJ.

I'm currently in the process of creating a 1440 pixel wide version as well, which is closer to what you want.

Changing the height of a skin is pretty easy to do, but changing the width (without simply scaling the graphics up) is quite a lot of work... basically a complete reworking of the skin.

I thought of creating a 1400 or 1440 pixel wide skin, and I came to the conclusion that more people would want a 1440 pixel wide skin, but anything bigger than that would have a pretty small "target market"

1440 pixels wide would still give me a fair bit of space on the side to see my notes and stuff, so that'd work well for me too.

Posted Fri 24 Nov 06 @ 8:38 pm
abnormPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I also use a 1920x1200 screen, but creating a skin like that would take up too much CPU cycles. I prefer to use a 1280x800 skin and just stretching it to full screen. It's not as sharp as native resolution, but I can see file names better.
Ultimate solution would be skins that are not set to a single resolution like Traktor.

Posted Sun 26 Nov 06 @ 8:25 am

Posted Thu 04 Jan 07 @ 12:51 pm
JeremKPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
Unfortunately the preview doesn't look that good.

And i don't have a 1680x1050 screen to make the preview... lol

if you want me to upload another preview of the skin that will look better (i hope), please send me a .jpg screenshot in a resolution of 1680x1050. And i'll update the preview.

upload the picture on www.tinypic.com and PM me the link to it.

Posted Thu 04 Jan 07 @ 10:46 pm
Yes the preview does look poor i must admit. This is what happens when you try to shrink a 1680x1050 screen down to 200x150 as required.

There is already a 1680x1050 jpg version in my blog. Can you use this ?

Thanks for your assistance.


Posted Fri 05 Jan 07 @ 10:46 am

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