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Topic: CONGRATS TO ALL GIANTS FANS! sorry to Patriots Fans :-( - Page: 1

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The New York Giants won Super Bowl XLII! Final score 17 to 14.

I thought personally the Patriots made to many mistakes. At least there weren't a lot of penalties.

Posted Mon 04 Feb 08 @ 1:03 am
#@$%^&^* the Patriots. We kicked their ass. There will not be any perfect season, around here. The defense was on the money. That's all I have to say about that.

Posted Mon 04 Feb 08 @ 1:59 am
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
A Man and His Music wrote :
#@$%^&^* the Patriots. We kicked their ass.

Thats going a bit far Rick, the Giants came within inches of losing that game, it was a bloody dog fight.

For real New England is suffering from a football hangover this morning, it sucks, and taking the loss and conceding is part of the game too.
Um...er....good game Giants....

My thoughts:
First off my favorite impartial Ref Mike Carey did an excellent job calling the game fair and square without the BS calls that change the normal outcome of the game as history such as Seattle for one and Pittsburgh have been.

Credit is due in a serious way to Eli Manning for overcoming his fear of getting hit and settling down. I spotted him in week 12 or so when he magically started finding his targets with the protection of his linemen, remarking "I'm impressed with his play" to many of my football friends (many of which are not NE fans btw).
IMO he played the game of his life and even his brother Payton hasn't played that well this year.
The Giants killed the first half keeping the ball and wearing down our defense as Brady and the offense could just sit and watch, tactical score 100%.
The Giants defense kept at Brady keeping the deep balls to a minimum and double covering those that did go for a fly, again 100%.
What did puzzle me was the lack of balance on the Patriots offense that has made them predictable. Showing constant change up is what has kept the defenses wondering and on their toes seemed to be missing and therefor predictable.

The other thing that was noticeable was the number of plays that were hairline saves that could have gone either way but didn't. Capitalizing on these and converting 3rd downs kept the clock running and the Patriots offense on the bench. That reception in the last minute was the game and a good example of this.

It was a good game and would have been more enjoyable if not a New England fan and I don't mean from the stand point of being the spoiler of a perfect season. That is not what the game is all about.
New York came to play, and play they did.

Well done Giants, Eli has a brilliant future ahead of him with a brilliant line in front of him and some great coaches beside him.


Posted Mon 04 Feb 08 @ 5:50 am
didnt get to watch commercials, didn't watch but last 30 seconds of game so i could rub managers nose in it for rest of year.

"Fooseball is de' debbil"

Posted Mon 04 Feb 08 @ 6:32 am
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
Can you imagine the conversation over dinner tonight for the manning family. "Check my ring big bro", "yeah little bro I got one too......" The game was very intense, the Giants came to play and their defense kept Brady in check all night. The halftime show was lack luster for sure, big disappointment there. I would of liked to see Maroon5 Nickelback or Lifehouse their instead of the has-been rock we were got.

Posted Mon 04 Feb 08 @ 7:56 am
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
The only thing that has me disappointed over the Pats loosing is this. It gave the 72 'Phins another night of drinking. I hate those guys! But yeah until the last three minutes of that game it could have gone either way.

Posted Mon 04 Feb 08 @ 8:19 am
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
I was saddened by the loss it was not an easy game. I do believe the Pats would have won but the "magic" seemed to favor NY. The game was decided by Manning's super lucky moves that avoided being sacked and throwing a 42yd pass that was caught with one hand and a helmet. That was truly an amazing play! When things like that happen anyone can win. Overall it was tough dog fight that probably bored half of america until the last 6min, hell if i wasn't from NE I might have even changed the channel. :)

Posted Mon 04 Feb 08 @ 9:12 am
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Thats what I meant by "hairline saves", way too lucky.
And if it wasn't for that "helmet catch" it would have been over right there.

The one thing that I stress is this, you can lose the came but as long as you are not playing the officials it's fair and what ever happens, happens...
That was one of the cleanest games I can remember seeing.
No cheap shots, no facemasks, no horsecollars, no knee shots no bobbled questionable calls and only one challenge that I can remember.
That is a clean game in my book.

And if there is one stand alone fact that I will credit the Giants with that the Pats didn't have as a factor it was winning with injuries through the playoff and regular seasons.

See what we in New England need to do is secure our chances like they do in other states.
Instead of one team hosting 6 states, we need 3 teams to increase the odds of a home team winning like others do.
And thats not a foul cry, but a fact of the odds of winning and bringing "home" the championship.
Llike the "subway series" or the "bay series" of recent years where the home team won regardless of who lost.

Posted Mon 04 Feb 08 @ 9:45 am
That ended the Patriots winning streak. Sucks it had to end with the Super Bowl..of all games. Man, if I were those players I would be in complete tears.

Posted Mon 04 Feb 08 @ 1:13 pm
DJ RickPRO InfinityMember since 2003
it was a decent game to watch! I hate the NY Giants!! Go Eagles!

Posted Mon 04 Feb 08 @ 1:39 pm
DJ Rick wrote :
it was a decent game to watch! I hate the NY Giants!! Go Eagles!

Crackhead, please step away from the pipe.

Posted Mon 04 Feb 08 @ 1:49 pm
OK I lied, I have more to say, but you guys forced me. Rick, You know I love you my brother, but I did not come here today for hugs and kisses. I came here to talk shit. You guys know how lovable and sweet I am, so here goes. I don't want to hear any excuses, or if they woulda, shoulda, coulda. I only want to hear the facts. There is no such thing as luck in pro football. These guys practice till they are blue in the face. That's like saying I got lucky making a mix, with 10 seconds left. Or a plumber got lucky when he didn't burn your house down, while sweating a pipe. When they stopped the Giants, and forced them to kick a field goal, that was not luck. When Smith bobbled the ball, and the Pats intercepted, that was not luck. When Tomer caught that pass, and kept both feet in, that was not luck. When Moss caught that pass in the end-zone, that was not luck. On the Giants last drive, when Eli shook of those guys, that was not luck. When Tyree caught that ball, that was not luck (Look at it again the guy knocked his hand off, but he maintained control). When Burress shook that guy, and caught the winning touchdown, that was not luck. The Patriots made two mistakes. They were over confident, and they underestimated the Giants. To them, this was a done deal, they were going to make history, period. T-shirt makers all over the country, will have to eat a lot of stock, because they had already printed up Patriot shirts, a week ago. When Moss caught that touchdown, they kicked it into overdrive (there is blood on the floors of those sweatshops). The Giants did not all of a sudden have the best pass rush, they had it coming into this game. They ran over the offensive line, ALL NIGHT. They touched Brady 18 or 19 times, and sacked him 5 times. We don't even want to talk about them shutting down the run. The name of the game is, the Giants dominated them, when they were not supposed to. At least the Giants did not believe that.

Now that does not take anything away from the Patriots. They went 18-0, something no one else has done. They kicked ass all season because they were superior to everyone they faced on game day. There was no luck involved in those wins, and their fans should be proud of their season. They did not want to hear any crying from those 18 losers, and were riding high on the prospects of yesterdays game. Admit it, none of you Patriot fans saw this coming. Now suck it up, and keep a box of Kleenex next to you.

The one bad spot on the game was when Belichick left with a second left to play. He left his team out there, to fend for themselves. That is the lowest I have ever seen. Pucking sore loser. Probably wishing he had tried that 49 yard field goal.

OK losers, bring it on.

Posted Mon 04 Feb 08 @ 3:15 pm
Given the Pats' regular season record, it was a surprising turn of events.

Posted Mon 04 Feb 08 @ 3:31 pm
djejPRO InfinityMember since 2004
What a great game. I am a native new yorker and now live in New Jersey. I have grown to be a Giants fan over the years but I'm actually a diehard fan of another team...the Miami Dolphins LOL. What a sweet win. The New England Patriots...the FIRST TEAM to go 18 and 1..and NOT be Super Bowl Champions.


Posted Mon 04 Feb 08 @ 4:52 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
If you could see my msn, you would now see "we suck" in the title line next to the Patriots logo thats been there since post season started.

Luck is what you get when you go into overtime after a hard fought tied game and they flip a coin to see who is going to kick the winning field goal

Luck is having a bad call go your way

There is plenty of luck in football

I gave them plenty of credit, thats enough, I ain't crying about anything.

Posted Mon 04 Feb 08 @ 4:59 pm
Part of me wanted to see the NE make history. Another part of me wanted to see them lose because of the spying scandal. I also wanted them to lose because Baltimore should have beaten them during the regular season. NE got very lucky and won the game because the Baltimore defensive coach called a timeout just before they stopped NE on a fourth down play with about a minute left in the game. However, NE lost the most important game of the season a very lucky play. I guess that loss makes everything even....


Posted Mon 04 Feb 08 @ 5:06 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
I thank you for that 00

To add, this team has been hated by people that are really sick of hearing what the dam media has to say.

They hate coach Belichick because he appears arrogant, but the reality is he HATES what the frikin media does to the sport and shows it in his demeanor during interviews. So what.

This team has more class than to talk the shit that all their opponents have spewed for years.
Nobody can take that away from them, win, lose or draw.

And @ Rick...one more
If EVER there was a team that got into the playoffs on LUCK it was the Patriots of the past, ask Adam Vinatieri, and the whole LEAGUE resented them like they didn't deserve to be there amplified by the MEDIA at every turn.

Now, days before the big game we have this silly phuck senator from Pa making all this noise about scandal again.
After an 18-0 season under even close scrutiny, does the world really think that this team needs to CHEAT?
Oh...but its ok to use film and binoculars as the whole rest of the league does, BUT NO VIDEO!!
All because he is an Eagles fan, and out of SPITE used his political position to make NOISE to do his part to cap the Patriots.
If you happened to catch the Mike and Mike ESPN interview, you caught the whole story.
He felt that because the Eagles played the Pats after the Jets that they lost for the same reasons.

And THATS the problem with this game that frustrates me more than bad officiating.
When Subway can use a bad call ref to sell sandwiches, there IS a problem that needs addressing.
Hmmm....LUCKY the ref didn't see that...

When the MEDIA pounds these athletes just for the sake of shaking them up before a game there is something wrong.
When a SENATOR that should be ending this GD WAR uses his political influence to draw attention to a matter that has been investigated and the parties penalized by the commissioner of the NFL because he is a FAN on a mission there is something wrong.

So this game is plenty phucked up and its sad.

Ask Mike Holmgren
" I knew we were going to play a good team but didn't realize we were going to have to play the officials too..."

Posted Mon 04 Feb 08 @ 5:55 pm
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
mp3jrick wrote :
Now, days before the big game we have this silly phuck senator from Pa making all this noise about scandal again.
After an 18-0 season under even close scrutiny, does the world really think that this team needs to CHEAT?
Oh...but its ok to use film and binoculars as the whole rest of the league does, BUT NO VIDEO!!
All because he is an Eagles fan, and out of SPITE used his political position to make NOISE to do his part to cap the Patriots.
If you happened to catch the Mike and Mike ESPN interview, you caught the whole story.
He felt that because the Eagles played the Pats after the Jets that they lost for the same reasons.

My concern is this....why is this guy worrying about football and baseball? Isn't out economy on the verge of a full on melt down?? Are we not in the middle of an election year? Last time I checked weren't we at war? Can we let go of football and focus on something a tiny bit more important? Like running this country??

OK, sorry..I'm going to go lay down..its tiring here on the Dark Side AMaHM

Posted Mon 04 Feb 08 @ 6:01 pm
Not a pats fan, not a giants fan and my 49ers will suck suck suck for the next 10 years......all that said The pats ALWAYS get way to conservative in the superbowl...they just had the ball last with just enough time in each of their wins and this time they didn't get enough time...I kept waiting for the dink and dunk 3-4 yard passing game, the screen passes, draws and reverses EVERY team uses to defeat the defense when they are constantly blitzing...why why why did they keep trying to go down field when Brady never had time...Giants had a good game plan and it worked because the pats didn't, and they didn't make the needed adjustments they ALWAYS did during the season until the last touchdown drive when the giants couldn't stop the dink and dunk game....lastly not to take anythign away fromt he giants and Eli, but whatever happend to the "In the grasp rule"? That scramble play on their last drive should have been called a 20 yard sack and game over but a "miracle play" looks better for the ratings

Posted Tue 05 Feb 08 @ 2:42 am
In the Grasp Rule Doesn't apply here.

He was Scrambling, and the Pocket was about to collapes, He's allowed to scramble to break a tackle.

"In the Grasp" Applies to open field gang-tackle avoidance. (give up slide)

Also applies to the QB when he is on one knee in the pocket (so he doesn;t get killied in an awkward position)

Eli was on his feet scrambleing for all he was worth. Basically he made lemonade out of a lemon play. The line/poket collapesed, He had better run or his ass was grass.

Posted Tue 05 Feb 08 @ 3:16 am