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well i had to do it ! after some of the bashing VDJ has recieved as of late from other software users i had no option but to "look" around,

And have come to the realisation that programs, software, hardware, platforms etc etc etc are only as good as the users behind them, and i can safely, honestly and without predjiduce say that VDJ is by far the best community of Dj's and Ej's anywhere !

shame no wonder they come here to bash, ........ they dont have a real community of there own.

but we have the strength to take what ever they may post, for the simple reason.......blood is thicker than water and i feel we are a familly conected by blood! so i say " BRING IT ON " because "imitation may be the best form of flattery" but having you go out of your way and spend time in our community makes us better than your own "familly" so thanks for coming !
spin spin spider

Posted Thu 05 Jan 06 @ 2:43 pm
apopsisdjPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2003
"programs, software, hardware, platforms etc etc etc are only as good as the users behind them"

This is TRUE !

Posted Thu 05 Jan 06 @ 3:13 pm
"........ they dont have a real community of there own"

True too, for most of the "other" softwares... :)

And VERY VERY popular too ...

If you look at Download.com :

Virtual DJ :...3,019,676 downloads
Traktor :.........485,997 downloads
BPM studio :....356,977 downloads
PCDJ : .............61,386 downloads

Yes, I do think we have a lot going on here, and there is a small chance of someone of the "others" being a bit jealous... at least at VDJ popularity and user forum...

Its at least pretty funny how some "other" users feel the urge to come here all the time, and say we are a sinking Titanic...hehe

Well, still... VDJ still needs work on some audio, timecode and more. But that will come too ;)

Posted Thu 05 Jan 06 @ 5:24 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
When Version4 is released we'll be the Titanic that never hit an Ice berg ;). we will be the Titanic that is the ice berg, and all the other softwares will stay true to the movie ;).

VDJ - in pursuit of excellence: "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven".


Posted Thu 05 Jan 06 @ 5:40 pm
No real community? Spider are you serious? I spend a lot of times on both forums (evidenced by my 793 posts), because I am a user and an owner of both softwares. I seriously have to take issue with your assertion that the other forum does not have the great community behind it. I spend a lot of on this forum because I like you guys and I use VDJ at all my gigs for the last year, so I like to post here - help people out, drop some hints to dev team to fix some broken stuff, etc.

But no community on that other forum? C'mon man. I've posted there a few times over the last few weeks and I've been lurking and reading as well. I'd say the MAJORITY of the users that are posting there are real working professional DJs, not a group of mostly bedroom DJs. I know we have a lot of professional working DJs here (and I know who you are) but there are a whole bunch of bedroom DJs as well. Not to mention the signal to noise ratio on this forum can be unbearable sometimes with all the cracked users and no-license users posting questions that are answered in the manual.

I can also say, that on the other forum, I see posts from big name DJs. People who non-DJs know. DJs who probably have CDs or production credits in the cd collection of you and your friends. DJs who I grew up listening to. Not sure about you, but as I attempt to further my career and become a better DJ,.. do I want to be in the company of DJs I grew up listening to and are looked up to worldwide,.. or do I want to be in the company of cracked user bedroom DJs who are trying to figure out how to scratch with the Hercules.

After posting on this board for a year, I can honestly say that no big name DJs post here. Sorry all you guys who I know are good, I've heard your mixes and yes you guys are better than me. But you all know what I mean. I don't know of any DJs on this forum with major production credits with a signed artist with national or international distribution. If you are on this forum, you're either very humble, quiet or more than likely, non-existent.

So spider, you can say that the community on that other forum sucks and you can probably get a bunch of users here to believe you, but just because you say it doesn't make it so.

Posted Thu 05 Jan 06 @ 6:25 pm
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
Did you know the titanic had 2 almost identical sister ships?


The Olympict, was completed and launched almost a year before the Titanic. She plied the seas from 1911 to 1937. During World War I she was fitted with 6 inch guns and ferried troops. She was attacked numerous times by submarines, but survived. In 1918 she was attacked by a German submarine. After dodging a torpedo, the ships crew turned her towards and then smashed her into the submarine, crushing its hull, and sinking it, amidst the cheers from the passengers. In 1936, after many years of flawless service, she was retired, and scrapped.


The Brittanic, was launched in 1914, just as World War I was beginning. She was modified into a hospital ship for war service, and never served as a passenger liner. She had been outfitted with more lifeboats, and improved lifeboat davits in the wake of the Titanic disaster, and these proved to make a big difference.
On November 21, 1916, while sailing through the Aegean, she struck a mine, and sank in about an hour. 1,100 people were on board, but only 30 were lost. Most of the deaths were due to lifeboats being lowered while the ship was still moving. The unfortunate victims were sucked by the wake into the ships giant propellers while they were still turning.


Posted Thu 05 Jan 06 @ 7:10 pm
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
I won't mention anything about software or forums but i will say that ALL Dj's started in the bedroom, who knows...if this was the 70's Kool Herc http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DJ_Kool_Herc might be trying to get busy with a hercules mk2 :) whatever a dj is trying to do, BIG name or bedroom geek, we all are just trying to do the same.

Posted Thu 05 Jan 06 @ 7:12 pm
apopsisdjPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2003
I think there are 2 main reasons that ssl has some well known dj's while vdj has not -yet.

1. Rane's great reputation on hardware and quality, and ofcource the selles/marketing network they have.
2. There were many dissapointed final scratch users, needed a better vinyl software.
All other vivyl softwares including Vdj, MixvibesDvs,Pcdj scratch had their own problems or were not perfect yet on vinyl emulation.

So, "big" names that connected their dj image (also their fans and club owners) with the classic turntable mixing, found in SSL a good product that does this one job very well.
But you see the most open minded/forward thinking of these dj's (Richie Hawtin, Sasha) are using a vinyl software along with other ways or programs to improve their sets, like Ableton live, because 2 turntables are simply not enough for them these days.

Virtual dj is the best all around software right now, with integrated sampling/looping features, it just need some attention at this time, thats we are talking LOUD...
I use Ableton Live myself and i can say i can do many of it's tricks with Virtual dj in a more "live" way than Ableton Live.
So if Virtual dj fix the TC issues and improve the sound, i don't see why even "big" names use this program for everything.
Personally i don't care but i'd like to see Vdj becoming an industry standard, and "big" names always help in marketing.

Posted Thu 05 Jan 06 @ 7:19 pm
Nice listen2, a very reasonable and well thought post. What is not reasonable and well thought is saying that all other DJ software sucks and so does their communuty. I know spider, those were not your exact words but that's how I read it. Not only is it not a reasonable or well thought out post, but it is completely ridiculous. I too agree that VDJ is better than Tracktor and PCDJ for most users that would be in the market for either, but to categorically crown VDJ the king of all DJ software is not making us look any better here, but more like myopic sheep.

Posted Thu 05 Jan 06 @ 7:23 pm
bigkHome userMember since 2005
I dont think so. I think I'm going to buy Serato and the biggest reason I can think of is that I just called their tech line and talked to a real person who is actually willing to walk me through my setup process if needed. to me that says a lot about a company and its dedication to a product. I have posted questiond about VDJ that I still dont have answers for. Seems good on the out side though. The way I see it I have untill feb to make my decision. So I can still investigate whats out there. Last thing I want to do is buy the software, try and hook it up and them have a problem I cant figure out and have to wait for email replys. Not enough time in the day.

Posted Thu 05 Jan 06 @ 7:30 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Well there is opinion and then there is fact, in fact there is no best in anything, we live in a relative world and we can only believe what's the best, but in opinion you go on what you feel, think and experience.

My opinion is that VDJ is the best DJ software on the market, it's also my opinion that there are some other great softwares out there, and some serious alternatives, for me it makes a better world with so much choice, but these kinda arguements will go on forever because people aren't reasonable.., in peoples minds there's always the best in everything, that's ones opinion, what is annoying whoever is when one boasts of their favourite, their choice and pulls every alternative down deeming it "crap"..

The fact of the matter is simply this: Choose what you choose based on what you feel, think and experience (know), but don't condemn over peoples choices, else that would be wishing for a world other than the "world of the relative".

However, aside my statement, just think where you are, this is the Virtual DJ forum, and the moderators are very democratic to allow some of the posts on these boards and that I appreciate, but I do feel that some come here and make unfair statements knowing they're in the very place to provoke a bad reaction to their one sided banter.

I feel I can express my love of VDJ here, but I wouldn't go on the PCDJ forum and say the same thing, moreover I wouldn't promote another software with such arguements to make their software look inferior.

Personally I'm not interested in "super star DJ's", I prefer super star people :).



Posted Thu 05 Jan 06 @ 7:43 pm
Can we leave this whole discussion alone now? please :)

After all, let VDJ be VDJ... and the rest, the rest...

Lets rather concentrate on how to make VDJ better, make this year a creative good year for all of us...

From beginner to pro.... As Apopsis said.. There is nothing stopping VDJ from being THE APPLICATION for all use, studio as well as DJ... IT has features of Ableton as well as SSL... it just needs a bit of prefection and fine tuning...

So, lets focus on THAT! How to make VDJ the NR ONE software.... rather than bashing eachother on who is best and not, who has most pro djs and not, who got the best forum or not... its just not usefull or creative at all...

SO PLEASE ;) LET VDJ BE VDJ, and lets focus on that! ;)

Posted Thu 05 Jan 06 @ 8:06 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I thought that was what I did? lool :).

Posted Thu 05 Jan 06 @ 8:11 pm
Hehe... ;) did not read your last post before now... wasn't directed at you anyway:)

Posted Thu 05 Jan 06 @ 8:19 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
In most other forums, members get BANNED for conducting alternate agendas, and it SHOULDN"T be tolorated here but is. In those places you find power tripping mods that have itchy fingers that cause trouble as well.
So lets not push things to those limits, it's no fun.

The atmosphere on these subjects can only degrade and upset readers not to mention aggravate the developers (they read also).
Free world as it is you can certainly express yourself, but not at someone's expence.
To start a rooting contest on who is what and how long is rediculous.

If something is better, great, have a nice day.
Atomix owes us nothing more than what we bought the day we did the deal, beyond that as far as fringes, benefits, upgrades etc, ITS A GIFT!

As far as phone support goes, it's convenient when it's with in the contenental US, but this is world wide.
It's a different animal altogether and on a scale that grows daily.
I frequently read of a particular support line that serves up no charge hang ups.
I still feel things are pretty much under control in esupport without the phone.

Peace Out

Posted Thu 05 Jan 06 @ 8:21 pm
So norway and bagpuss, you don't mind posting and reading posts amongst a bunch of non-DJs? Yes I know we were ALL a bunch of non-DJs, but I always thought I carried myself with at least a little professionalism, even in the start. You know, by doing things like, oh I don't know ,... *reading the manual*.

rick, I hear ya. I only post about SSL because, like I said before - most of you like I like talking with and I get some good input here and there. I thought my posts about SSL would help people. Period. I am not trying to hurt any developers feelings or anything like that. If anything, I am trying to lift them up and motivate them to make VDJ better, which will help all of you.

If you guys don't want anymore non VDJ related posts here on this forum then just say so. I, personally have no problem keeping my SSL posts to myself or another forum.

Posted Thu 05 Jan 06 @ 8:51 pm
it was not directed at you Anewsome :) as you now, your INITIAL post was about you testing SSL and would give feedback later... and I (and Bagpuss) where positive, and looked forward to that...

It's all the other things that are said in the thread that's destroying the whole creative part of having an open discussion...

Stuff like ".hahaha... Virtual DJ is a sinking Titanic"... "all feature are crap and toys" etc etc

First of all, neither of them are true... second, its not very creative... and third, it only makes those wanting such features feel bad... etc etc

And forth, its not very profesionall... I also want a profesionall creative forum.

I look forward to a creative discussion about Vitual DJ, what it needs for improvements and so...
And your feedback about what you think SSL might have, that you hope VDJ can incorporate is a creative and good discussion...

Its other SSL users that have such an urge to use time and come here at this forum posting all kinds of stupid arguments that destroys it all ..

It would be fun just to see what happened if I went to SSL forum and posted:
- "heheheh... this program sucks, it doesn't even have master tempo, it doesnt support effects, it doesnt have any skins... its nothing but a vinyl emulation program that you would be better of using real vinyl! All you guys are idiot that are here! Why throw your money away on a software solution when the software does nothing for you, but only emulates vinyl"

I bet the topic would be closed, deleted and I would be banned...
Because the above statement is of course not true, not creative... and probably not wanted at the SSL forum..

Same goes for VDJ forum. This forum is about VIRTUAL DJ... and I would love for it be a profesionall and creative forum about this software...

Now, a creative post from you regarding SSL was welcome in the first place, if you read my first reply to you. .:) of course it is... Its all that comes in the slipstream of that, that messes all up..

( SIDENOTE : I do not mind being in a forum where some of the users are all new to djing, and others are pro djs. It makes it all more dynamic, interesting ... and I love helping them out, as I where a beginner too some years ago, and I would love to have had a forum like Virtual DJ back then. I have no urge to be in a forum for pro djs only. If I had, I would seek such a forum )

Posted Thu 05 Jan 06 @ 9:04 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
My sentiments exactly DJ-in-Norway, that's the translation of my post to plain English.


Posted Thu 05 Jan 06 @ 9:23 pm
Yeah, I only wanted to be in a forum with pro DJ's. Quess what? THIS IS NOT MY FORUM. So as a quest on this forum, I show a little respect. Besides, some of these "non-pro DJ's" helped me with the computer stuff, which I don't know shit about. As for "Big name DJ's", please. I don't care what they use. The guys I grew up listening to are dead, retired, or me.

Posted Thu 05 Jan 06 @ 10:18 pm
exactly Man And His Music :)

I'll post my very last side-note while we are on the topic… last post from me, in this thread.. so now you can all be happy ;) hehe

I just wanted to clearify why I react when someone is comming here to say SSL is all that, and VDJ is all crap...

you could easily get the impression from the occational SSL users that come here, that SSL was a perfect dj software, and that all was happy in their camp, that this software works without any flaws .. well, thats not true at all!

My best friend has SSL, and it’s not at all a perfect software.. it has its good sides, and bad sides, like all other software does.

SSL have had issues all the time its been in the marked, and even as late as the latest update a month ago, it was bug fix after bug fix (such as usb drop outs in sound, incorrect load of songs at first time use, crash bug (!!), wave freeze bug, display bugs, autoplay crash, random noise with wave files etc etc etc etc)

SSL also has an issue with pitch drift (such as VDJ), and as late as 25.august 2005 a fix was released to try to fix it.... . And problems with cue points for cd mode.. all familiar stuff :)

Its not true that SSL is some kinda perfect software. It has its good sides for timecode use, but it has its bad sides too.

And SSL too have changed whole internal mode of the software to be more of a "CD player" instead of a true vinyl emulation, and in the latest release about a month ago they finaly (after a lot of pressure from its users) added stuff like cuepoints, improved sound engine because of bad sound before, a few initial keyboard shortcuts, and support for external controller (only RANE model of course!!). VDJ has always had the "cd player" aproach, and their new features have been added to VDJ about 2 years ago!
And if you ever read SSL forum, the users there are crying for MIDI support, autogain, software mixing mode, better BPM detection and more…

And SSL users are complaining about issues, just as some are here...
And yes, VDJ needs work too... and dev team IS working on it! better audio and timecode support ;)
I know VDJ will be better, and I'm glad VDJ have lots of features that a DJ software can offer (and "other" software seems to add about 2 years later.. hehe... just kidding)

By the way, VDJ and SSL uses almost the EXACT same timecode, so VDJ should be as good as some claim SSL to be when it comes to vinyl emulation, just with a little work on the algoritm in the software... and that will come very soon :)

I'll end my posting in this topic with a little quote from the SSL forum :

DJ Bombjack - December 30, 2005, 8:00 PM
So... it crashed again on me last night, just as before.

yeah yeah.. end of story for me :) happy mixing

Posted Thu 05 Jan 06 @ 10:24 pm