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Topic: CDJ- 2000NSX2 HOTCUE Mapping position error!!!!!

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I‘m a Chinese!So i speak chinese,I hope you can translate it with the software. Thank you!!!!
第一个问题:当CDJ-2000NXS2与VDJ8.2连接时,映射位置会错误,例如,我设置HOTCUE 1和HOTCUE 3,在CDJ2000NSX2的LED显示的却是HOTCUE 1和HOTCUE 2,但是,当我要使用HOTCUE 3的时候,我依然需要按CDJ2000NXS2的HOTCUE 3,但是实际上CDJ2000NSX2的HOTCUE 3的LED是不显示的。 或者,我在VDJ8.2上设置HOTCUE 5,但是CDJ2000NXS2显示的LED位置却在HOTCUE 1上,但是在CDJ2000NXS2依然是要按HOTCUE5才可以使用。
VDJ8.2的HOTCUE在CDJ20000NXS2上显示的LED映射位置是错误的,但是使用的映射位置是正确的。 当CDJ2000或者CDJ2000NEXUS连接VDJ8.2时,没有这个问题,所以我感觉应该是CDJ2000NXS2的LED Maapping问题, 这是个非常严重的错误!!!!!

第二个问题:当CDJ-2000NXS2与VDJ8.2连接时,CDJ2000nxs2的HOTCUE 的颜色不能自定义,我想让CDJ2000NXS2的HOTCUE能显示不同的颜色(因为CDJ2000NXS2的HOTCUE是支持多颜色的),例如HOTCUE 1~HOTCUE 4 改变为HOTCUE1红色、HOTCUE2绿色、HOTCUE3黄色、HOTCUE4蓝色、、、、、、.我已经修改了Mapping。LED HOTCUE 3 shift ? blink 300ms ? off : cue_color 3 : cue_color 3 'yellow' 但是改变这个参数依然都是默认的颜色.现在CDJ2000NXS2在与VDJ8.2连接时,左边甲板的所有HOTCUE都显示蓝色,右边甲板的所有HOTCUE都显示红色。
我不知道是不是因为第一个问题的存在,才导致第二个问题的发生。 有人和我有相同的问题吗 ??我希望能解决这两个问题!谢谢!!!

CDJ2000NXS2 V1.81 firmware

Posted Sun 21 Jan 18 @ 8:12 am
leneerPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2014
This user has repeatedly asked me to ask this question, but I can't solve it, please help to solve it.

Question one:
When the device CDJ-2000NXS2 with VirtualDJ 8.2 is connected,the HOT CUE mapping script with HOT CUE Light doesn't match.

Question two:
The device CDJ-2000NXS2 fireware update to 1.5+ ,HOT CUE light cannot customize display color.(but fireware 1.3 no any problem)

Please check it as soon as possible,This is a loyal user,he said he had posted topic many times.Thanks very much...

Posted Sun 21 Jan 18 @ 10:24 am

Posted Tue 23 Jan 18 @ 12:50 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Hopefully the Google translation is correct on my side too..
1. We will investigate soon.

2. If the Hotcue Leds are just blue and red on the units, you need to enable the setting nonColoredPoi to "Per-Cue" from VirtualDJ Settings and use the standard/default mapping to verify the correct functionality

BTW, leneer mentions something related to a firmware version, but i dont see this info when i translate the port of the OP.
@tonyshan007 could you provide further info. Is the behavior you are describing related to a specific firmware upgrade, and if it is, can you revert to the old firmware and confirm that the issue is not there anymore ?

Posted Tue 23 Jan 18 @ 5:18 pm
djdad wrote :
Hopefully the Google translation is correct on my side too..
1. We will investigate soon.

2. If the Hotcue Leds are just blue and red on the units, you need to enable the setting nonColoredPoi to "Per-Cue" from VirtualDJ Settings and use the standard/default mapping to verify the correct functionality

BTW, leneer mentions something related to a firmware version, but i dont see this info when i translate the port of the OP.
@tonyshan007 could you provide further info. Is the behavior you are describing related to a specific firmware upgrade, and if it is, can you revert to the old firmware and confirm that the issue is not there anymore ?

PER-CUE功能开启之后,颜色是可以改变的!!但是我发现了一个新的问题!!!!当PER-CUE开启之后,HOTCUE的颜色以及位置不是固定的!!!并且我还注意到一个问题,之前被我忽略的一个问题!!CDJ2000NXS2屏幕显示的HOTCUE位置和VDJ8.2显示的HOT位置是不同的! 例如:在VDJ8.2上显示的HOTCUE位置顺序是 1 2 3,但是CDJ2000NXS2的屏幕上显示的HOTCUE位置是B C A.

希望官方能够借一台CDJ2000NXS2,连接VDJ8.2之后我所说的问题就能解决了!!! 这是个严重的问题! HOTCUE的问题,目前只发现在CDJ2000NXS2回出现,CDJ2000和CDJ2000NEXUS都没有问题!!!!

Posted Fri 02 Feb 18 @ 9:44 pm

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