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Topic: Automix - Reset sort order erases list - Page: 2

This part of topic is old and might contain outdated or incorrect information

"If you just load an existing list in automix, then you can sort it and reset sort order after.
If you then add/remove files from automix, then it is no longer possible since there is no previous sort order for that set of files. (Where would the newly added file go?)"

just to clarify that point, does that mean that after the next build, when I hit "reset sort order" it will simply put me back to the last playlist that has been saved and that I loaded into the automix?
like this option was behaving in the last build?

Posted Mon 05 Jan 15 @ 11:49 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
If the only thing you did with the playlist was sort it differently or reorder files then yes.
If you added or removed files, then the option will not be available (since that would mean losing your changes)

Posted Mon 05 Jan 15 @ 12:36 pm
thanks for the answer Adion, I'll think about this and try it out again so that I can explain it better.


Posted Mon 05 Jan 15 @ 2:54 pm
mmmh..... not good.

When you start with an emty Sidelist / Playlist and use it like a waitlist ( with add and delete tracks the whole night) you can not sort / resort.

As i wrote before.
VDJ should generate a temp. file and save the lists after changes.

Posted Mon 05 Jan 15 @ 3:00 pm
hey Alex, sorry but I disagree, if VDJ created a temp list every time that I changed one little thing I think even my CPU would start to cook and my HDD would be full rather quickly.

I see it like more this;
1. I think that the description is a little misleading, it's not saying "undo changes" , although that is what I think lots of people are awaiting.
2. Reset sort order, is very misleading, hard to define. What does that really mean? Restore, or, Reload playlist would maybe be easier to understand
3. I understood it more as "restore to the last back up point", that being the last time that the playlist file(mpu or something) was saved.
4. If I start playing around with a playlist, in any way shape or form, I do not consider it saved until I press a button somewhere and give it a name.

Posted Mon 05 Jan 15 @ 3:35 pm
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
Adion wrote :
Not sure what you mean with 'any version before 8', since I can't find any 'reset sort order' or similar option in v7. (Or in Excel for that matter)

In this build it's indeed a bug that this option is never available, in the next build it will be available as long as the list is saved.
If you just load an existing list in automix, then you can sort it and reset sort order after.
If you then add/remove files from automix, then it is no longer possible since there is no previous sort order for that set of files. (Where would the newly added file go?)

Fine, there is no "reset sort order"... The problem here is there are many people up in arms over the situation we are in. I feel that VDJ could be so much better if we did not argue over semantics and just admit that there is an issue here and it could work so much better if we fix it instead of limiting the functionality.

I also use iTunes to manage my playlists, so these are not saved VDJ lists. So as far as VDJ is concerned they are not saved. Same could be said if I combined multiple VDJ list too though. I use iTunes so that I have multiple options of programs, for this very reason! I started migrating to Serato because the above statement is just more of the same. I hate how things are lately just to get someone to listen and help. I am not sure of the number but you and I have hashed out allot of issues in the last 6 weeks. Only 1 issue was an oversight on my part.

I just want to solve problems so I can get back to DJing. I don't want to be on here everyday arguing the finite details and hoping I get a response. The function should be there and not erase my list, unless I press delete. You can say what you need to in public print, but as a software team behind closed doors as a team you have to admit that is the way the feature should really work. I like 8 and want it to work, I want to use it. I also get that not everyone's features can be exactly the way they expect. But there is allot of posts saying this is not right.

Posted Mon 05 Jan 15 @ 4:19 pm
raypitman wrote :
hey Alex, sorry but I disagree, if VDJ created a temp list every time that I changed one little thing I think even my CPU would start to cook and my HDD would be full rather quickly.

You must be kidding!?


Posted Mon 05 Jan 15 @ 4:38 pm
I don't want to get off the thread, but yes Alex maybe I am, I can do that in Exel or Word, why not an "undo" in VDJ.
Sorry, but I don't really understand how computers work.

Posted Mon 05 Jan 15 @ 4:54 pm
HI DHoude,
are you simply saying that it would be good to have the ability to have a option "undo changes" type of thing?
And I apologize to you for my previous incorrect posts

Posted Mon 05 Jan 15 @ 5:10 pm
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
I just want to be able to sort my list if needed, shuffle it and still be able to see what plays next. What plays next is always the most important. If a list plays back as shuffled but shows as sorted by a column, that can't be done. That is my real issue with the way things are.

I just need a way to see what is next so I can change it or insert something new.

Edit, as a side note, this has also been my main problem all along with iRemote. The IOS app, sorry for the segue..

Posted Mon 05 Jan 15 @ 5:11 pm
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
raypitman wrote :
HI DHoude,
are you simply saying that it would be good to have the ability to have a option "undo changes" type of thing?
And I apologize to you for my previous incorrect posts

Saw you post after my last. But yes, some kind of undo so I can see what is next and manage it.

Posted Mon 05 Jan 15 @ 5:13 pm
1 is automix running when this happens and you then can't find which song is gonna play next?
2.are you using shuffle or shuffle once?
sorry for the silly questions, I'm just try to understand what's happening, or could you do a video thing and post it?

Posted Mon 05 Jan 15 @ 6:32 pm
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
Not silly, I do appreciate your efforts in understanding the situation. I have just been fighting through so many problems from bad map commands to headphones that don't work. I am going to take a break tonight because I am obviously frustrated and it is coming across in my responses. This 8 migration has just not been fun for me at all. Thank you for bringing some structure back to this thread.

For test, drag some songs into Automix and sort it by any column. Then hit shuffle playback, the list order does not change because sort column takes priority. Start Automix and it will shuffle the songs and show you what is playing, but not what is next.

The old way you could shuffle the list, but it always played top to bottom. So I could just insert a request below the paying song or see what songs are next. The reset sort order would un sort the column and I would hope would show the shuffled list in order like it use too. It was very useful like that.

With a column sorted, the list does not change, so the next song to play could be anywhere in the list. So how can an extra be inserted? Or order slightly rearranged. So in a 7 and lower you could break up some groups. Like if Shuffle happened to put a couple of one artist's songs in a row, I could manually break that up.

EDIT - I guess I just never sorted a column under 7 and below. There is obviously no reset. So hey let's hope I don't sort by column any time in the future and maybe I will never have an issue. I just like things a little more safe than "hopefully I don't do that because if I do there is no way to undo those changes". It would seem to me that software is capable of maintaining some kind of list order once dragged in.

Posted Mon 05 Jan 15 @ 8:29 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
I think part of the confusion is that you should understand that sorting a list actually sorts the list. It is not just a different view of the list.
If you have automix on, and your list was 'a c b' and playing 'a', then you sort the list to 'a b c', then 'b' will play next, not 'c'.

As for the Shuffle option, it's indeed there so that you can have a fixed order for your list, but still play it in a different order every time.
If you prefer to actually change the order of the list, disable 'shuffle', and use 'shuffle once' every time you want a different order.

Posted Tue 06 Jan 15 @ 12:04 am
maybe you can add search by first letter for interpret in sidelist So its not needed to resort the list to find a specific track.

@adion btw..... whats about an index column?

Posted Tue 06 Jan 15 @ 2:54 am
DHoude ... bazinga, I thought that that was the problem, I had it before but then Atomix added the option "shuffle once" which is very similar to ver7.
so here's my seggestions;
map a custom button to "save playlist" and get into the habit of hitting it now and then( if you allow it to overwrite files, it prevents the pop up asking everytime, and if you want you can just leave it as default list), or maybe combine your "add to list" button with the save command so that every time you put a playlist into AM it will auto save and you always have a recent back up point.
Don't use "shuffle" 'cos it is truly random and only good for surprises. I tend to hit "shuffle once" after I add each playlist or album to mix 'em up nicely, If AM is already playing, find the track now playing and just drag him up to the top of the list... hey presto ... it wil behave just like in ver7 and play one after the other so you can see whats comin next.

I'm a corporate/wedding dj so I use AM a lot .. and have had my share of headaches gettin used to it ... but it is so much better in 8 that it's worth the time and effort!
If you need any help feel free to ask
best wishes

Posted Tue 06 Jan 15 @ 3:59 am
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
@Adion, I understand the view point of when you sort a list, there is no original order anymore. You sorted the list and now it is arranged how I asked it to arrange. But even in Word, Excel, Photoshop, anything else, there is an "undo" option like Ray had said. It may not be "Reset sort order", and that is my point of call it what you will. The functionality is still there.

I don't like that it sticks as a sorted column until a restart or maybe some other bunch of extra steps. Maybe not "Reset sort order" per say, more like "remove forced sort" would be more useful. I just don't want to save the list to my PC, just so I can reset the sorted column and see the actual shuffled playback order. I sometimes get special requests and like to inject a song, so how do you suggest that happen in a sorted list playing back randomly?

The main issue I guess is I can't ever unsort later without saving a list of songs I don't need saved. They are event specific and chosen only for this event. Shuffle needs to shuffle the list of songs and play top to bottom in order so it can be manually managed. I often check in on it to make sure the mood I am going for will continue and how much time I have left. That way I can put a request below the currently playing song and see all the next songs.

djnice :o) wrote :
@adion btw..... whats about an index column?

This is a good idea, in iTunes every song in the manual play list has a number. All in the order in which they are added. I can sort by any column, but revert back to the original sort order by clicking that column.

I forgot about this and will try when I get home, but there is a "playback time" column in Automix. Maybe if I sort that I can get the shuffled order straight....

Posted Tue 06 Jan 15 @ 11:31 am
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
The more I think about, that is is. The original order is not needed, I just want to abandon the sort so I can shuffle the list and playback in order

Posted Tue 06 Jan 15 @ 11:40 am
i think so, too

Posted Tue 06 Jan 15 @ 3:41 pm
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
I also see how shuffle once seems to work more like I am use to. Good call Ray, thanks for the hard work.

Adion, shuffle once does seem to work way better for performance environments leaving my list more manageable and in tact. I can also manually rearrange the list even though it should be sorted. Not sure what sense that makes for others who might expect sort to take precedence. Which is why removing the sort was important to me. Ray is right though, Shuffle once seems to fix the weirdness if I just ignore the sort mark.

FYI, the sort by track "Will play" time dose not reflect regular shuffle play order. So you can't unsort by sorting "Will play" times, it is still just regular anybody's guess what is next shuffle. Play times work with Shuffle once (remember to shut off Shuffle).

Posted Tue 06 Jan 15 @ 8:03 pm