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Topic: Not trying to ruin the party, but ... - Page: 2

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This place is full of virtual mouthpieces!

Having logged in and then realizing v2.1 was available, I got a small buzz even though I am unable to use Vdj at the moment .... When I see what the updates are I am glad I can't access My pc cos video mixing is a load of tosh! People go out to enjoy themselves in other peoples company with music, not to stare a a screeen of dodgy videos for a few hours.


Posted Thu 12 May 05 @ 10:37 am
Too bad you guys just dont get it...Raz is right and he is not asking too much,please pay attention people
I make a living djiing 4 nights a week...this is serious!!!!grrrr
I dont mind the video mixing n stuff..so make 2 versions....we dont all use videos
personally i could care less....mtv is there for that i mean people watch tv all the time so when they come to the club...!!!!Again the same videos.
the idea is incredible but please dont forget the djs who spin music


Posted Thu 12 May 05 @ 10:43 am
BarglerPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Raz has a very valid point and I share his concern.

VDJ seems to be teetering a bit between performance DJ'ing, wedding-style Dj'ing, and now Vid-DJ'ing. If you choose to pursue all of those customer bases, you risk falling behind your competitors that have a more concentrated attack. I really don't want to see VDJ turn into a watered down "bundle" of apps that accomodates many but satisfies none.

I'll pay hundreds of dollars for the best performance DJ'ing software available. However, I won't spend $1 for the second or third best DJ'ing software regardless if it is also the 3rd best video mixer, 2nd best ringtone maker, 16th best recipe organizer, 8th best spellchecker, and 4th best hard drive defragger on the market.


Posted Thu 12 May 05 @ 11:00 am
Man-TkPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I'm totaly a agree with dj raz ....I want better sound first ..then we can talk about video ..you can do another software for videos like RIP VINYL - for me 2.06 is better than 2.1 ...I remember the days with visiosonic .pcdj 5 was better than pcdj 6

I think the "all in one" idea is BAD ....If I want video I can buy a software ..If I want to BUrn a cd I can buy Nero or something like that ..if I want an OS I can buy WIN XP :(

Posted Thu 12 May 05 @ 2:57 pm
Well... sorry to ruin the party ;) hehe

I LOVE virtualdj 2,1.... ITS GREAT that video is possible, its great that karaoke now works differently..

And I love the fact that VDJ can master more than just mp3 play ;)

I totally support the path Dev Team is taking on VDJ, and please DONT FORGET that Dev Team is adding features that ARE ASKED FOR BY VDJ users!! :) Dev Team is deliviering stuff that users here want... and thats a HUGE pluss with Dev team

That someone might no want all the great stuff that other users want, is NO PROBLEM... just dont use the video engine, if you dont need to ;) thats all

And VDJ 2.1 is far better, and the most stable and rich version EVER :) I love it... sorry guys! I ruined the party I guess... LOOL ;)

Posted Thu 12 May 05 @ 3:22 pm
I am with ya Raz.
I was surprised to see how much effort was put into 2.1 in regards to video mixing. I am happy that there are alot of folks who are interested in video mixing as this helps the Company in sales and could boost future improvements in the software. I also understand that it could be quite possible that video mixing will be the "thing" in the near future, but it isn't my "thing". I enjoy DJing audio tracks. I paid for a software program that "was" dedicated to only that. Now I feel like the interests and views of many are pushing the software into other areas that I fear will decrease the efforts of improving DJing and increase the efforts of VDJing. I was shocked at how many posts are now going on about video mixing. I think that there should be a different set of Forums to discuss the video side of VDJ as to not confuse potential customers who are looking for DJing answers to thier questions.


Posted Thu 12 May 05 @ 3:44 pm
i agree full with Dj Raz!!!!!!
djìng is my income and i like to have a good pease of softare.logic or:-)
if i like to mix videos i use a professional videomixsoftware with all the nice futures the got.
who the fuck needs that in his Dj software???????nice done but all in all a bit useless!
Would be realy better to improof soundquality!,timestretch usw.
I use Atomix Produkt nearly since the are on the market!!!!!!!!!!so i think i got a right to say that.
Why is the Devteam always looking for something new but no time to fix the by the time well known "BUGS"
Sorry but i dont anderstand that.
Still Vdj is the best peace of software for handling,but on soundquality it falls back comparing to traktor or bpm studio!!!!!!
Why why why?????????
But instead i can mix videos--------super:-(

Posted Thu 12 May 05 @ 4:07 pm
It seems You guys have a strong feeling that V-VDJ is not realy your style, and you are what this soft ware is all about, so you need to come together and petition your views in another way.My suggestion is not on the forom but letters direct to VDJ Company.

What solution will satisfy every one?
1. VDJ Video 2.1b mainly for two different users. Two applications to install on your computer ,one for video mixing and the other for audio mixing

Just a little suggestion, what do you think

b.t.w. Any body hear from meh boy Double O I know he will have a good input to current situation.

Posted Thu 12 May 05 @ 4:25 pm
Haven't heard from Double O or Anesome( I think that is how he spells it) in a long time...


Posted Thu 12 May 05 @ 4:33 pm
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
i just want to add to this thread, now take me ....i have not bought this software yet, video does not do a thing for me, i have never believed in watching videos as opposed to listening to music. music is audio, i'll listen to it, but if i'm dancing with chicks i am not watching a video going on , you know what i'm saying! now as for me, i'll play the flipside for a second, why should or would i buy this software if one can sound better and do basicly the same job? my answer is the price (others are just too expensive) and the overlapping waves. if another company made overlapping waves and cut the cost down a bit i think Vdj would have a problem, but no one has touched on that so VDJ is stil the best software to use. i think since wost of you turn off soundstrecthing that fixes the problem, and makes atomix focus on a different issue, why fix it if no one is using it now, and everone is cool or seem to be with it off? the biggest thing i have heard about is the crashing that would happen, and i have yet to read if anyone has that issue anymore

Posted Thu 12 May 05 @ 4:38 pm
Well i feel better now.........
I have nothing against video jockeys...but music is a whole different game here anyways.
All the big places i worked in had a DJ,light jockey,video jockey...3 different jobs but all have to be in sync.
Please listen to the users.....we need a 2.06 without the bugs
You are so close to a perfect dj tool..
I think 2.1 is an awsome idea but i also think there should be 2 versions...!!!!
Just un case you havent read my previous posts.....4 nights a week +studio remixing+lots of radio hours.....and nothing, no crashes,no probs all this since October 2004.VDJ ROCKS
Best Regards to all

Posted Thu 12 May 05 @ 9:45 pm
agree could be my words---:-)

Posted Thu 12 May 05 @ 9:51 pm
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
WHy don't you guys understand!

VDJ is the same the video engine only works if you load a video file there is not hidden thing taking resources from your mix! How many times do i have to say this?

Posted Thu 12 May 05 @ 9:58 pm
DachPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Lighten up, people! Playing videos is not the end of the world. I don't use it, but who cares? They fixed the volume scanning bug, and added features (maybe not everything everyone wanted, but quite a few) to make audio mixing better. All for the low, low price of FREE! Other companies would have charged you US$20 for the same upgrade.
BTW, I LOVE what DjBambi wrote! ROTFLMAO!

Posted Thu 12 May 05 @ 10:19 pm
I have nothing against video jockeys but here is my personal thought on adding videos to DJing.

If I wanted to watch TV I'd stay home and watch TV without the hassle of spilt beer from strangers (unless watching the superbowl of course).

If I wanted to listen to good music I would go to a club and listen to some good mixes.

DJ White Devil

Posted Thu 12 May 05 @ 10:35 pm
idj4uPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I have no decent video card, so i can't even SEE the video option on 2.1

I also haven't used VDJ at a gig, simply because the time stretch audio sounds terrible.

Hopefully it won't be another 6 months before the next update....

The video options sounds great. I know it's rattled a few cages in the industry.

Posted Thu 12 May 05 @ 10:51 pm

I think video is another to feel the music for real. More sences are you using to feel the music, then more you can enjoy it. It's like smoke fluid or bubbles in the club while you're dancing and enjoying and you feel great. Think this is the same with video mixing - new dimension for your audience.
I think that most deejays are just anoying when they should scratch, mix and loop the video with attention to the screen, not only the turntables. :) But It's just my opinion.

C ya.

Posted Thu 12 May 05 @ 11:16 pm
BarglerPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Cyderhouse said:WHy don't you guys understand!

VDJ is the same the video engine only works if you load a video file there is not hidden thing taking resources from your mix! How many times do i have to say this?"

I think you are misunderstanding us. We aren't worried that the video engine is taking resources from our mix in the software, but worried that it is taking developer time and resources away from audio improvements and additions that *would* improve our mix.

How many manhours of dev team time were spent on the video engine instead of going towards core features and improvements such as better timestretch? THAT is the issue.

Posted Thu 12 May 05 @ 11:18 pm
thats a word Bargler!!!!!!
so Cyderhouse i think you dont like to understand:-(

Posted Fri 13 May 05 @ 12:16 am
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
I like it...
I love it.....
I want some more of it......

Hey..I agree with all of you guys!!!

BTW, it's all about impact.
Just like a super dynamo light show.
And until you have tried it you will never know.
And the mixing, I mean you guys talk about mixing, but try your 2 favorite mp3 tracks and then do it with the videos.
And if you really know how to mix, you will blow your own mind when you see what you are creating mixing video.
Then you will see what the hell I am talking about.

If VJing stays in the closet it gives the rest of us more opportunities.
I mean shit, how may kj's do you see running around cutting each others throats for $150 bar gigs.
Everybody's doing it now to supplement their shows and increase their opportunities.
I certainly don't want that happening to video with all I have invested in it.

I am not going to gather up the balls some have and tell this company what they are doing wrong.
You don't bite the hand that feeds you.
So they released video so what, they also made numberous improvements also.
It was a blockbuster release by what I see.
Its not the last update you will ever see either.
Some things take more time to figure out, the whole world shouldn't come to a halt waiting for one specific gripe to be fixed.
You do what you can do and keep working towards perfection keeping as many happy as possible.
Everybody pisses and moans when they want a release, and then it's not good enough.
Who knows how much time was spent to write video into the program, maybe it was a simple thing to do.
Please stop this.........

One last thing...
This program is getting more attention by more people because of this release of video all over the net.
It has put VDJ on the map overnight because no other software comes close to doing what VDJ can with beatmixing, cueing and looping.
So from a business standpoint, it was a stellar decision.

Posted Fri 13 May 05 @ 12:18 am